How To French Braid Step By Step For Beginners

I'm going to show you how to do a French braid and two french braids for beginners step-by-step. I'm going to explain every step from the top of the braid to the bottom of the braid. So if you're not that good at braiding or French braiding, then I'm sure you will be a master after this blog. Let's get into it!

How To Do A French Braid Step By Step

A French Braid

1. Take some hair on top and split into 3 sections.
The first step is to take a small section of hair on the top of your head from your temples to the back of your head. Then split the hair into 3 equal sections.

2. Braid your hair.
Starting out with 2 strands in right hand and 1 strand in left hand. Then take the right strand and cross it over and into the middle. Then take the left strand and cross it over and into the middle. Again, cross the right strand over and into the middle and hold all the strands in your left hand.

3. Add new hair.
That way it’s easier to add new hair to the braid because now you have a free hand to work with.

Then pick up a horizontal section of hair on the same side and add it to the middle strand. Then cross the left strand over and into the middle and hold all the strands in your right hand.

Again pick up a horizontal section of hair on the same side and add it to the middle strand. Repeat it till there are no more hair to add in.

4. Braid the rest hair like a normal braid.
When there is no more hair to add in, then braid the hair like a normal 3 strand braid and tie of the braid at the end.

5. Loosen the french braid.
Now just adjust the hair and pull in the sides of the hair to loosen the braid up a bit, and when you have done that when you are done.

How to do two french braids step by step

1. brush your hair.
The first thing you want to do is to brush all your hair, so there's no tangles and that way it's a lot easier to braid your hair.

2. split your hair into two sections.
When you have brushed your hair, you're going to split your hair into two sections down the back of your head.

3. Tie one section of your hair up.
We go then take one section, use a hair tie and then tie it up.

4. Braid your hair.
Take a small section of hair like a triangle. Now you want to take a small section of hair in the front, that kind of looks like a triangle.

Sort this section into three equal sections. Now you want to take the hair and pull it in the direction you want the braid to go. I wanted to go to the back of my head, so I'm pulling the hair in that direction and then splitting it into three sections. So now you have a top strand, a middle strand and a bottom strand.

Braid the three sections of hair. The first thing you want to do is to take the top strand, cross that over and into the middle strand, then you're going to do the same thing on the other side, so take the bottom strand and cross that over and into the middle. Now you're started off the braid.

5. Add in hair
Now you have to add in hair. Take the top strand, grab some hair from the same side and then add that to the top strand and then cross that strand over and into the middle strand. Then you're going to do the same thing to the bottom strand, so take the bottom strand, grab some hair from the same side and then cross that over and into the middle strand.

Now you just have to continue doing that. So take the top strand, grab some hair from the same side and then cross that over and into the middle strand. Then take the bottom strand, grab some hair from the same side and cross that over and into the middle again. Just to make sure there's no is bunk. Just continue doing it till you don't have any more hair to add in.

6. Braid the rest hair like a normal braid.
Just going to braid the rest of hair like a normal braid. And when it gets to the bottom of my hair, just going to take an elastic and secure the hair.

7. Do the exact same braid thing on the other side.
Take a small section of hair like a triangle...braid the rest of hair like a normal braid, take an elastic and secure the hair.

8. loosen up the french braids.
After both braids are done, start to loosen up the braids in different places. If some places aren't too tight, you can just loosen it up a bit. If you want a really big and voluminous braid, then just go ahead and pull on the sides of the braid to make it really big. you can also just leave it if this is a tightness you're going for.

So that is how to do a French braid and two french braids on two sides for beginners and I really hope you liked this blog and found it helpful.

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